1. Attend as many meetings as possible per week. MEETINGS MAKE IT.

2. Telephone other members as often as possible between meetings. USE THE TELEPHONE LIST!

3. Don't test or tempt yourself. Don’t associate with acquaintances who gamble. Don’t go in or near gambling establishments. DON’T GAMBLE FOR ANYTHING.

4. Live the Gamblers Anonymous Program ONE DAY AT A TIME. Don’t try to solve all your problems at once.

5. Read the RECOVERY and UNITY steps often and continuously review the Twenty Questions. Follow the steps in your daily affairs. These steps are the basis for the entire Gamblers Anonymous Program and practicing them is the key to your growth. Get involved and be of service. If you have any questions, ask them of your Trusted Servants and Sponsors.

6. GET A SPONSOR, IT IS DIFFICULT TO RECOVER ON YOUR OWN! Sponsorship gives an opportunity for members to work on a one-on-one basis to achieve recovery by sharing, practicing, and working the 12 steps of recovery.

7. We encourage every Gamblers Anonymous member to have a PRESSURE RELIEF GROUP MEETING as it offers guidance toward a normal way of thinking and living. The PRESSURE RELIEF GROUP MEETING may help alleviate legal, financial, employment and personal pressures. Adherence to it will aid in your recovery.

8. BE PATIENT! The days and weeks will pass soon enough, and as you regularly attend meetings, abstain from gambling and follow the guidelines on this page, you will experience continued recovery.